The Vocational Rehabilitation Wellness Check Indicators with Gold Standards

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Wellness Check is an assessment tool for VR agencies to track progress toward achieving the gold standard for quality pertaining to: (1) program and performance management and (2) fiscal and resource management. It is modeled on the BenchmarkABILITY© tool developed by Cornell University’s Yang-Tan Institute and has been tailored to align with VR gold standards in multiple domains under the two VR management areas. Completing the VR Wellness Check and achieving the gold standards does not guarantee that VR agency will not have Single State Audit findings or compliance findings when monitored by RSA. The Wellness Check tool is intended to help agencies conduct a regular self-assessment process across multiple domains in order to maximize their ability to identify and implement quality management strategies and practices.

The Wellness Check can be completed by an individual or group of users in a VR agency. When complete, a report can be printed or shared electronically to identify areas in need of quality improvements, technical assistance, or strategic planning to achieve the gold standard. The results pinpoint where implementing quality management strategies and practices will positively impact service delivery and employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities.